Learn Online

Individually planned and systematically monitored arrangement of teaching procedures, adapted equipment and materials, and accessible settings.

Special Education

Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic.

Book & Library

Our library has a vast collection of books, fiction & novels to nurture the needs of growing minds.

Sport Clubs

The School’s spacious grounds are attractively landscaped with carefully selected trees, bushes and flowering plants, creating a welcoming environment and providing pleasant meeting places for pupils during breaks.

About Doon Imperial Residential School

Doon Imperial Residential School aims at providing sound modern education to young boys to help them face the challenges of 21st Century. "Healthy Mind Rest in Healthy Body" Hence the location of school is an added advantage.

Our aim is to impart quality education to the boys cultivating their minds for their future as an officerof class one grade, to add a distinct flavour in the fabric of the nation. Though we focus on civil Services examination in affiliation with Doon IAS Academy yet we are ready to accept and appreciate their various skills to let them excel in any field possessing their own freedom and ability to represent themselves in different professional fields.

Pollution Free Zone

Surrounded by pleasant green reserve forest of sal tree, having pollution & noise free.

Qualified Residential Medical Team

Qualified and Experienced male doctor and a registered nurse ensure your son is cared for.

Top Tier Boarding Facility

Boarding school students develop life skills such as time management, work ethic, and independence.

Special Support for Weak Students

Doon Imperial tend to put in special efforts for those students who encounter academic difficulties


We provide the students all possible sources for such research, be it through books or through internet learning.

Sports Facilities

DIRS offers its students a chance to learn and excel in a wide variety of sporting related activities.

Doon Imperial Residential School

We offer a highly personalised international education which is both traditional in its values while innovative in its methods, with the aim of supporting students to become curious, enthusiastic and resilient learners.

Doon Imperial Residential School is located on the hillock of SHIVALIK RANGES, Surrounded by pleasant green reserve forest of sal tree, having pollution & Noise Free. Environment with Sylvan Beauty, which plays an Important in the physical and mental development of children.

We are as mindful of prevention as we are of qualified and experienced medical care who delivers the best pastoral care in a boarding school. In the event that medical care is needed a qualified and experienced male doctor and a registered nurse ensure your son is cared for.

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Student Says About Us

Separated they live in. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country

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